Archive for alex
56 results.
Slice of 408: Heatwave
Heatwave, or how this planet is proving that global warming is real. I did not get to post a Slice of 408 last week, so to make up for it I did a double this week.
Facebook simply reflects the human condition. If you haven’t read yet, Frank Cho, comic book artist from Shanna the She-Devil fame, was suspended on Facebook for having the audacity of posting a drawing of a woman with exposed nipples. Read[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whole Lotta Love is a song by Led Zeppelin. Comic Stripping is an art-form in itself. And Charlie is definitely one hell of an artist in this medium.
Slice of 408: Service
Service is a dish best cold. Wait, what? Ever watched a tennis match between Maria Sharapova and Victoria Azarenka lately?