Slice of 408: The Beauty and the Beast
The Beauty and the Beast, I felt the title applies here.
I know that this debate has been going on since the beginning of time. And I know one will have an opinion one way or another on either side of this topic. I’m not out to have the debate here, as it never usually go anywhere but bruised egos.
All I am expressing is my own personal opinion on the matter.
That is one reason for this strip. There’s actually an artistic reason. I’ve never drawn a really battered face before, and although I challenged myself on this regard, I cringed at every line and every color of that battered face of Charlie. I NEVER want to draw her that way, or any of my female characters, again. Knowing that I can when called upon is enough.
This really seems to be more of western culture than anywhere else from what I’ve seen.
Preach it, sister. Too true in America. Folks seem they would rather see dissected people then the beauty of humans. I don’t get that.
I love you, author man. It amazes me that a male can capture so much female spirit, spunk and spittle in a web comic. This one in particular gave me great pause and I thank you heartily for it.