Time to suit up! Hello to those few who go to this site and read my stuff, particularly this section. It’s been awhile, but I had to take a break from all things creative after the last commission I’ve done[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged legs
It speaks! Took me longer than i’d like to finish this one. Pretty much this strip is a three-in-one, as I did not want to chop this part of the story into three separate strips. so where do the girls[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The girls are miles away from SDCC (San Diego Comic Convention). But that does not mean they are miles away from creepy men. As part of that gender I will admit to that.
Slice of 408: psychOUT
psychOUT. Since day one, I have been a fan of this show. Sad that it has made it’s last curtain call, it’s good that they did not overstay their welcome and went out with a high note. I did this strip[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Slice of 408: Happy St. Patrick’s Day
It’s a few days after St. Patrick’s Day, but I realized that much of those who celebrated on the day (and most of the entire night) would be feeling the effects of the green beer afterwards, and I figured is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Time to bring the girls back in 2014 in this homecoming strip. This took awhile to finish. My internet has been on the frits for three days. The flashback scenes on the third panel could pretty much create another strip.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Girls with guns. More importantly, girls Cosplaying with sci-fi guns. Specifically, sexy girls Cosplaying with sci-fi guns. Took me awhile to figure out Alex’s costume as I wanted something that has STAR associated with it. Then it hit me; STARBUCK![…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
What do you do when you draw yourself into a corner and could not get out? That is what happened to me last month when I tried getting these girls out of their apartment and into a road trip across[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…